The Five Behaviors®
Personal Development

Build a Culture of Teamwork
That Drives Results

It’s Time for a New Approach to Teamwork

In the modern workplace, team members must navigate an environment that is constantly changing, and they must be flexible and relationship-savvy to navigate these everyday challenges. Creating a culture of effective teamwork is important to your organisation’s success but it doesn’t happen overnight. Teamwork skills must be learned and practiced in order to thrive. The Five Behaviors® Personal Development can be your solution for building effective teamwork within your organisation.

Learn More About The Five Behaviors Personal Development

Build an organisation of individuals who know how to work together effectively by engaging The Five Behaviors®.

How does The Five Behaviors Personal Development Work?

It Starts with the Assessment

The assessment evaluates how each team member approaches the five key behaviors of Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results. It combines computer-adaptive testing and sophisticated algorithms to deliver precise, personalised insights.

Example Cover of The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team personalized report

Insights Delivered in a Personalised Report

After taking the assessment, participants receive a personalised profile that deepens their understanding of self, work style, and others in their organisation.

  • 23 pages of rich insights, unique to each learner
  • Context-specific feedback
  • Strong visuals that illustrate key messages
  • Tips and strategies for improving teamwork effectiveness
  • Personalised, guided action planning

Brought to Life in a Powerful Facilitation

The report comes to life in a customised training experience inspired by each learner’s personalised report that engages and educates with impactful activities and powerful discussions. This solution is available to your team or larger organisation through our facilitator kit which can be purchased and utilised by an internal trainer from your organisation or through our Authorized Partner Network of consultants, trainers, and coaches who are empowered to customise and deliver this solution in a way that meets your unique needs.

  • Designed for in-person and virtual learning
  • Half-day session that can be customised to fit specific goals or timeframe
  • Flexible group size

Is The Five Behaviors Personal Development Right For Your Team?

It's the best solution for creating and scaling a culture of teamwork and collaboration by instilling a mindset of effective teamwork.

Learner Takeaways

The foundational principles for building a cohesive team are based on The Five Behaviors model: Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results.

How their unique personalities influence their behaviours and the discipline required to overcome barriers caused by natural tendencies that make effective teamwork so elusive.

The critical behaviours and interpersonal skills needed to be effective team players on any team.

Understand how individual styles contribute to a team’s overall success.

Want to Know How to Support Your Intact Teams?

Learn more about our Team Development solution.

Praise for The Five Behaviors

Get Started with The Five Behaviors

  • Bring the power of The Five
    Behaviors to your organisation

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