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From Complacency to Contentment: Building Dynamic Teams

From Complacency to Contentment: Building Dynamic Teams

Sep 05, 2024 | 5 min read
By Elizabeth Johnson, Copywriter & Tracey Carney EdD, Research Manager

Let’s be honest with ourselves: we’ve all experienced periods in our work lives where we feel stuck. When what we really want is to feel both fulfilled and appropriately challenged. On one hand, we enjoy achieving goals and overcoming challenges. On the other hand, we sometimes find ourselves trapped in a routine, feeling disengaged. This is where the distinction between contentment and complacency becomes crucial. In terms of teamwork, contentment is beneficial, but when contentment turns into complacency, a team’s ability to grow can be hindered.

Contentment in the workplace means finding joy and satisfaction in one’s role, creating a harmonious atmosphere where team members feel valued and motivated. Complacency, however, arises when individuals and teams are not appropriately challenged, or when their talents are not leveraged. This can lead to complacency, which can seriously impact team dynamics and overall productivity.

To better understand what drives contentment and complacency in today’s workplaces, Wiley Workplace Intelligence surveyed 2,200 individuals, primarily individual contributors and managers. Our research explores the subtle yet significant differences between complacency and contentment, and how leaders can foster a culture of continuous growth while maintaining an overall sense of fulfillment across their team.

The Difference of Working on a Cohesive Team

Four coworkers smiling and talking with to-go coffees.

76% said their team impacts their decision to stay with an organization.

Upon examining the data, we noticed one recurrent theme: a good team can make all the difference. Our research revealed that 76% of respondents said their team impacts their decision to stay with an organization. This statistic underscores the profound influence that teams have on employee retention and overall job satisfaction.

So, how can a cohesive team prevent complacency and encourage contentment? Here are some key ideas:

  • Mutual Accountability: In a cohesive team, members hold each other accountable for their tasks and performance. This keeps everyone engaged and motivated.
  • Encouragement of Innovation: By valuing diverse perspectives and promoting new ideas, the team stays dynamic and adaptable.
  • Recognition and Rewards: Celebrating achievements and recognizing individual contributions can boost morale and motivation.
  • Shared Goals: A cohesive team has clear, common objectives that everyone is committed to achieving. These shared goals keep the team focused and driven.

When employees feel they are part of a cohesive and supportive team, they are more likely to remain with an organization. A strong team provides a sense of belonging, mutual support, and shared purpose. By prioritizing healthy team dynamics, leaders can create an environment where employees feel connected, motivated, and committed to their collective success, which ultimately prevents complacency.

The Key Qualities of High-Performing Teams

Most employees are happy with their current team, with an impressive 85% saying they’re content. This highlights how important team dynamics are in the workplace. When people feel supported, valued, and connected with their teammates, it creates a positive work environment that boosts job satisfaction and productivity. But don’t just take our word for it. Here are the key teamwork qualities defined by our respondents:

Key Qualities That Define Effective Teams


Working on a team where everyone trusts each other

Two talk bubbles overlapped.

Team collaboration

Three people with an upward arrow in a speech bubble above them.

Working on a team that produces results

Three people with talk bubbles above their heads.

Working on a team where productive conflict is encouraged

It makes sense that team trust, collaboration, and achieving collective results are among the most important qualities of an effective team. However, one metric stands out among the rest. With less than half of respondents considering productive conflict a key quality, we have to wonder: do people really dislike rocking the boat, or do they just not understand how conflict can be productive?

Productive conflict drives innovation and growth through open, honest discussions that welcome diverse viewpoints. When managed well, it creates a safe space for team members to express ideas without fear. Encouraging healthy debate and focusing on issues, not personal attacks, leads to better decisions and creative solutions. Balancing harmony with challenges makes teams more dynamic and effective. Ultimately, fostering productive conflict steers teams away from complacency and towards growth. When teams navigate difficult situations together from a place of trust, they cultivate a culture that fosters contentment.

Unlocking Professional Success Through Team Dynamics

Two people high-fiving with a red triangle and thumbs-up icons in the background.

61% say team members contribute a significant amount to overall success.

Professional success has evolved significantly over time. Today, people are increasingly seeking balance and fulfillment in their work. Factors such as the quality of their teams, job satisfaction, and workplace culture now play a larger role than they ever have before. Our research found that 76% of people said that their team impacts their desire to stay in their current role, which could mean that the quality of their team might be more important to them than some other professional success metrics. This highlights the importance of fostering strong, positive team environments to enhance job satisfaction, and ultimately contentment.

What Professional Success Looks Like:

25% Contributing to organizational success
21% Work/life balance
17% Personal satisfaction with job
14% Becoming a subject matter expert
13% Advancement into leadership roles
9% Increased compensation

These insights underscore that professional success is multifaceted and varies from person to person. By understanding these diverse perspectives, teams and organizations as a whole can create environments that support diverse definitions of success. This approach leads to a more motivated and satisfied workforce, steering them away from the toxic effects of complacency.

Creating a cohesive and dynamic team environment is key to keeping complacency at bay and fostering contentment. When leaders promote mutual accountability, innovation, recognition, and shared goals, they build a workplace where employees feel valued and motivated. This not only boosts job satisfaction but also enhances productivity and retention, driving the organization towards continuous growth and success.

Wiley assessment brands lay the groundwork for cohesive teams. Specifically, The Five Behaviors® learning experience offers a powerful framework for building successful teams. By fostering healthy teams across an entire organization, you can drive internal growth and retain top talent.

Wiley Workplace Intelligence conducts in-depth research on key workplace issues by gathering insights from individual contributors, managers, and leaders. Wiley Workplace Intelligence then analyzes these findings to provide actionable solutions that are shared in our blog.

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